Hi there, it's me VA Claudine
My journey as a Virtual Assistant was unplanned, but as the saying goes, “Unplanned things are the best and most exciting!”
I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication. I was eager to find a job after graduation and promised to accept any job, even if it was unrelated to my course. Thankfully, a week after graduation, I was hired as an office-based Administrative VA at Pepper Virtual Assistants. As a fresh graduate, I had zero idea that the Virtual Assistance industry existed, and to be honest, it was a blessing in disguise!
After a year, I resigned from my first job when I was offered a job at one of the local AM radio stations. Of course, I grabbed that opportunity because it was my dream to work in the media industry, and my goal was to become a TV reporter.
But while working in the media and learning more about the industry, it feels like I’m taking the wrong path. Despite the offers to become a TV reporter, I left. It was the hardest decision I have ever made, but I thanked God I chose a different path because it has led me to where I am now.
Today, I happily work as a Virtual Assistant and own a VA agency with my friends. The industry I’m in right now is the gateway to unleashing the purpose God has prepared for me. Knowing that I’m doing the things I love and providing opportunities to other people is heartwarming!